Bard vs GPT4: Battle of the Large Language Models

I wrote an article about Google Bard earlier, and it’s capabilities. I was interested in how Bard and GPT compare, so I wanted to give them the same challenge and see how they respond. Before I get into the challenge, I wanted to point out some differences between the two models. I wanted this to be a fair comparison of the existing capabilities of both language models. The early release of Google Bard can’t write any code, which somewhat limits what I can ask them to do in a fair way. So in that regard, Bard is lacking in features compared to ChatGPT.

The Challenge

I want you to write a detailed article about a business that sells flowers. I want you to make up a name for the business as well as the owner. You should write about the struggles involved with the business of selling flowers as well as the rewards.

I tasked both models with creating an article about a fictitious business. I asked them what I wanted it to be about, but I did not indicate the tone. I wanted to see how they would interpret the business and see if they spin it in a good or bad way, or stick entirely to facts. 

If you don’t feel like reading both articles (no judgment!), don’t worry I’ll summarize what I thought about them at the bottom.

Google Bard

The Business of Selling Flowers

The business of selling flowers is a challenging one, but it can also be very rewarding. The flowers industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it is constantly growing. There are many different ways to make money in the flowers industry, from growing flowers to selling flowers to designing floral arrangements.

One of the biggest challenges of selling flowers is the perishable nature of the product. Flowers have a short shelf life, and they need to be sold quickly. This can be a problem for businesses that have large inventories of flowers. Another challenge is the competition. There are many businesses that sell flowers, and it can be difficult to stand out from the competition.

Despite the challenges, there are many rewards to selling flowers. Flowers are a beautiful and popular product, and they can make people happy. Selling flowers can be a very rewarding experience, and it can be a great way to make a living.

The Story of a Flower Business

The story of a flower business is one of hard work, dedication, and passion. It is a story of a dream that came true, and of a business that has overcome many challenges.

The business started with a simple idea. The owner, let’s call her Sarah, loved flowers. She loved the way they looked, the way they smelled, and the way they made her feel. She also loved the idea of bringing joy to others through flowers.

Sarah started her business by selling flowers at local farmers markets. She would buy flowers from local growers and sell them at a small markup. She quickly realized that there was a demand for her flowers, and her business started to grow.

Sarah soon realized that she needed to find a way to grow her business if she wanted to be successful. She started to research the flower industry and learned about the different types of flowers, how to grow them, and how to market them. She also learned about the challenges of the flower industry, such as the perishable nature of the product and the competition.

Sarah decided to start her own flower farm. She found a piece of land and started to grow her own flowers. She also started to research different ways to market her flowers. She started a website and began to sell her flowers online. She also started to sell her flowers to local businesses and restaurants.

Sarah’s business continued to grow, and she soon found herself with a thriving business. She was able to quit her job and focus on her business full-time. She was also able to hire employees and expand her operations.

Sarah’s business is a success story, but it is also a story of hard work, dedication, and passion. Sarah is a true entrepreneur, and she is an inspiration to others who dream of starting their own business.

The Struggles of Selling Flowers

The business of selling flowers is not without its struggles. One of the biggest challenges is the perishable nature of the product. Flowers have a short shelf life, and they need to be sold quickly. This can be a problem for businesses that have large inventories of flowers.

Another challenge is the competition. There are many businesses that sell flowers, and it can be difficult to stand out from the competition. Businesses need to find ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors, such as by offering a unique product or service, or by providing excellent customer service.

The weather can also be a challenge for businesses that sell flowers. Flowers are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, and they can be damaged by extreme weather conditions. Businesses need to be prepared for these challenges and have contingency plans in place.

Despite the challenges, the business of selling flowers can be very rewarding. Flowers are a beautiful and popular product, and they can make people happy. Selling flowers can be a very rewarding experience, and it can be a great way to make a living.

The Rewards of Selling Flowers

The rewards of selling flowers are many. Flowers are a beautiful and popular product, and they can make people happy. Selling flowers can be a very rewarding experience, and it can be a great way to make a living.

Businesses that sell flowers can also be very successful. The flowers industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it is constantly growing. There are many different ways to make money in the flowers industry, from growing flowers to selling flowers to designing floral arrangements.

Selling flowers can be a very rewarding career. It is a career that allows you to be creative and to express yourself. It is also a career that allows you to connect with people and to make a difference in their lives.


In Full Bloom: The Journey of Petal Haven and its Founder, Olivia Chambers


In the heart of a bustling city, there lies a charming little floral shop that has captured the hearts of its customers — Petal Haven. Founded by the passionate and creative Olivia Chambers, the business has flourished into a thriving enterprise. Despite the challenges that come with the competitive nature of the floral industry, Petal Haven stands strong, continuing to bring joy and beauty to the lives of its clients. This article delves into the struggles and rewards that come with running a flower business and the story behind its devoted owner.

The Birth of Petal Haven

Olivia Chambers’ love for flowers began during her childhood, as she spent countless hours admiring the vibrant blooms in her grandmother’s garden. Her passion only grew stronger as she pursued a degree in horticulture. Upon graduation, Olivia decided to turn her love for flowers into a full-time career, and in 2015, she opened the doors to Petal Haven.

The Struggles of Running a Flower Business

  1. Competition: The floral industry is highly competitive, with many well-established florists and even supermarkets offering flower arrangements. Olivia knew that to make her mark, she needed to offer something unique. With a keen eye for design and a strong knowledge of flowers, she developed her signature style of lush, intricate arrangements that captured her clients’ hearts.

  2. Seasonality: The seasonal nature of flowers presents a challenge for florists. They must constantly adapt their offerings based on the availability of different flowers. Olivia worked tirelessly to build strong relationships with local growers and suppliers, ensuring she had access to the freshest and most diverse selection of flowers possible.

  3. Perishability: Flowers are delicate and have a short lifespan, which means they must be handled with care and sold quickly. This puts pressure on the business to maintain a balance between supply and demand. Olivia implemented strict quality control measures, such as daily inspections and proper storage techniques, to ensure her flowers remained fresh and beautiful.

  4. Economic factors: The economic climate can greatly impact the demand for luxury goods like flowers. During difficult times, people are more likely to cut back on non-essential purchases. Olivia faced this challenge head-on by diversifying her product range, offering more affordable options alongside her premium arrangements, and expanding her services to include event planning and workshops.

The Rewards of Running a Flower Business

  1. Bringing joy to others: The most rewarding aspect of running Petal Haven is the joy Olivia brings to her customers. Whether it’s a simple bouquet to brighten someone’s day or an extravagant arrangement for a special occasion, Olivia’s creations have the power to evoke emotions and create lasting memories.

  2. Creative expression: The floral business allows Olivia to express her creativity every day. With each arrangement, she tells a story through colors, textures, and the choice of flowers. This creative freedom not only fulfills her passion but also sets Petal Haven apart from its competitors.

  3. Building a community: Petal Haven has become more than just a flower shop; it’s a hub for the local community. Olivia regularly hosts workshops and events, providing a space for people to come together and share their love for flowers. This sense of community and belonging is a priceless reward for her hard work and dedication.

  4. Personal growth: Running a business has allowed Olivia to grow both personally and professionally. She’s honed her skills in various areas, including marketing, finance, and customer service, making her a well-rounded entrepreneur.


Petal Haven is a testament to the power of passion, hard work, and resilience. Despite the challenges that come with running a flower business, Olivia Chambers has managed to create a flourishing enterprise that brings joy to her customers and herself. Her story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs, showing that with dedication and perseverance, it is possible to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

As Petal Haven continues to grow, Olivia remains committed to her core values of providing exceptional customer service, creating unique and memorable floral designs, and fostering a sense of community among her clientele. As the business expands, she plans to further develop her event planning services and explore new avenues for creativity, such as collaborating with local artists and designers.

In a world where technology and automation are increasingly taking over, Petal Haven is a reminder of the beauty and value in handcrafted, personalized creations. Olivia’s story is a testament to the power of following one’s passion and the incredible impact that a small business can have on its community and beyond.

From humble beginnings to a thriving enterprise, Petal Haven and its founder, Olivia Chambers, have come a long way. With a fierce determination and an unwavering love for flowers, Olivia has overcome the struggles that come with the business and reaped the rewards of her labor. As the future unfolds, there’s no doubt that Petal Haven will continue to bloom, touching the lives of many more customers and spreading the joy of flowers far and wide.

My Findings

I think just skimming through both articles, you can see a very stark difference between the two. It’s very clear that Bard isn’t quite as creative with the prompt, nor did it develop any tone for the article. It stuck entirely to the facts and took my prompt extremely literally.

Bard started out by writing about the flower market a little bit. It wrote in a more factual manner about the owner of a business named Sarah. The challenges were also more literal in that it said challenges consisted of things like competition and weather. The rewards were also very flat and without any sort of tone or emotion. 

On the other hand, GPT-4 wrote a pretty inspirational article. It took my prompt and turned it into a journey that it takes the reader through. I should note it was able to come up with a name for the business and the owner. It described the (unnamed) city as bustling and the shop as charming. You can kind of imagine walking down a busy city street and seeing a little flower shop. 

Rather than focusing on the market, GPT-4 focused on the journey of the owner. I felt the overall tone was factual but inspirational. It seemed like it was trying to prop up the owner (Olivia) and the business (Petal Haven). 

I also thought that this small section of ChatGPT’s article was really interesting.

In a world where technology and automation are increasingly taking over, Petal Haven is a reminder of the beauty and value in handcrafted, personalized creations. Olivia’s story is a testament to the power of following one’s passion and the incredible impact that a small business can have on its community and beyond.

I thought it was interesting that GPT-4 seemed to take inspiration from a business that is about passion as opposed to technology and automation. 

I think that GPT-4 was a whole lot more creative and detailed in its article. It was able to convey an inspirational tone and was able to create a more detailed article. 


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A First Glance at Google Bard