The tech blog that covers software development, cool technology, and some product reviews.
Recent Posts
Enjoy some of the recent posts I’ve made!
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 6
We will finish up the remaining features of the app and go over deployment to Firebase Hosting.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 5
In this installment, we will set up some component libraries, and then use them to create/style the sign-up & sign-in pages.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 4
In this part, we’re going to set up a data model library and integrate it into the Angular application with some new services.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 3
In this part, we’re going to set up the Angular app and add routes, components, and services with Firebase Auth integration.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 2
This part goes over how to set up the Firebase CLI and deploy Firestore rules to Firebase.