The tech blog that covers software development, cool technology, and some product reviews.
Recent Posts
Enjoy some of the recent posts I’ve made!
Why Progressive Web Apps are the future
PWAs are beginning to look like they may be the future of mobile apps. Let’s have a look at the history, benefits, and drawbacks of a PWA.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 6
We will finish up the remaining features of the app and go over deployment to Firebase Hosting.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 5
In this installment, we will set up some component libraries, and then use them to create/style the sign-up & sign-in pages.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 4
In this part, we’re going to set up a data model library and integrate it into the Angular application with some new services.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 3
In this part, we’re going to set up the Angular app and add routes, components, and services with Firebase Auth integration.
Angular and Firebase — The Perfect Pair: Part 2
This part goes over how to set up the Firebase CLI and deploy Firestore rules to Firebase.